《The world of science》PartⅢ PPT课件

所属分类: 英语课件 / PPT课件
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外研版高中英语必修三《The world of science》PartⅢ PPT课件,共62页。

《The world of science》PartⅢ PPT课件包括教材原文呈现、课文整体阅读、核心要点突破等内容。

Step Ⅰ General reading

Match each paragraph with its main idea.

Step Ⅱ Factual reading

Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.


1.injure v.使受伤,弄伤

2.cure n.疗法;药剂;治愈 v.治愈,治疗 

3.attach v.系;绑;贴;连接;(使)附属;(使隶属)

4.account n.记述;描述;账目;账户


1.look for寻找

2.take place发生

3.die from死于


1.More than one generation of schoolchildren has been amazed by his bravery and his scientific approach to looking for the truth.(教材P32)

2.Franklin,along with many other scientists,has inspired us and taught us that scientific experiments are important in order to establish the truth and to contribute towards later scientific discoveries and inventions.(教材P32)

3.But scientists all agree that if Franklin had actually touched the key,he would certainly have died from the electric shock.(教材P27)

4.In fact,more than one account suggests that while Newton was certainly inspired by a falling apple,there is no proof that it hit him on the head.(教材P33)

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